Sustainability Management | Real Estate

Use Our Services to Increase Your Sustainability

We are a one-stop shop providing a number of services aimed at increasing your sustainability. These include

  • Optimising energy efficiency
  • Improving accessibility in public and non-public buildings
  • Providing recommendations regarding sustainable building materials and types of construction
  • Condition assessment and categorisation according to CRREM
  • Assisting in obtaining sustainability certifications according to DGNB, LEED, BREEAM, etc. 
  • Monitoring implementation of measures necessary to fulfil sustainability requirements
  • Carrying out project management from preliminary planning and selection of action steps to implementation and documentation for sustainability certification authorities

We can implement your project with an experienced team comprising experts from the construction industry, building services engineering and energy and project management.


  • Frank-Peter Wolf

Tel. +49 69 247559 964

In the asset management of buildings, Quadoro focuses in particular on securing the future of real estate. Our team is well-versed in the sustainability requirements that need to be met right now and in the future, especially for commercial real estate.

Energy and sustainability audits as well as the ensuing implementation of investment measures for the properties managed by Quadoro have been carried out for many years. In addition, value-add investments have been successfully implemented in this area.

Quadoro now provides energy and sustainability audits of third-party properties. Managing implementation of steps to ensure the sustainability of buildings rounds off the range of services.

When it comes to increasing the sustainability of existing properties, the focus is on energy-related measures and on solutions aimed at reducing CO2. These include optimising operations, renovating façades and renewing building management systems. To increase tenant comfort and mobility, areas are expanded, charging stations for electric cars installed, and ventilation systems optimised. In the case of new buildings and redevelopments/refurbishments, quality of use and flexibility are also taken into account by, for example, influencing the floor plan design from the outset.

"We take into account all important sustainability factors of a building and use synergies with renewable energy plants. The development and implementation of sustainability concepts is part of our daily business." - Frank-Peter Wolf, Head of Technical Management at Quadoro

Sustainability is also firmly rooted in Quadoro's corporate philosophy at company and product level. All open-ended real estate funds pursue a consistent sustainability approach. 

In addition, Quadoro invests in renewable energy projects and manages 50 plants with around 80 MW of installed capacity in Germany and elsewhere in Europe as part of its asset management activities. 

Furthermore, Quadoro is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and the UN PRI and named a "Top Asset Manager" by Scope in the sustainability category. Quadoro also regularly participates in local environmental and social projects.