Choose Wind Turbines over Castles in the Air

Quadoro – Future-Proof Real Estate

Quadoro – Your Partner for Renewable Energy

Are you ready for sustainable returns?

Proactive asset management for excellent performance and sustainability

Development Project campus#4

Sustainability Analysis for Real Estate

Looking for an Investment Management Partner?

Inside Doric – Insights into the Day-to-Day Work of Our Employees

Creating and Retaining Value

Quadoro is the Doric Group's real estate and renewable energy expert. Its core competencies are product development, the acquisition and sale and management of real estate and renewable energy plants.

Quadoro also manages various regulated funds including three open-ended real estate AIFs and one open-ended renewable AIF with sustainability as a main factor in the selection of the properties and facilities.

Quadoro Investment GmbH is a top-performing AIFM that gives our clients access to the regulated market.

billion EUR transaction volume
thousand sqm of real estate in Europe
renewable energy plants in Europe
offices in Europe


Sustainability is firmly rooted in Quadoro's corporate philosophy as part of the Doric Group. The consistent implementation of our ESG strategy ensures a high standard of sustainability for our business partners and employees.



We provide development opportunities for both junior staff and experienced professionals and are always on the lookout for talented individuals.



UN Global Compact

Since 2021,  Quadoro has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.



Business Partners